Multiple Sclerosis

The MS research team stands in a circle, chatting.

For over four decades, our department has been a pioneer in rehabilitation research that aims to enhance the lives of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Building upon the seminal research of George Kraft, MD, our MS Rehabilitation and Wellness Research Center addresses gaps in scientific knowledge and care by leveraging cutting-edge approaches and technologies to evaluate and advance interventions that focus on the most significant issues people with MS experience including fatigue, pain, cognitive problems, inactivity, and stress. Our research emphasizes the promotion of well-being by building on individuals’ strengths and resilience. With the most studies, researchers, and grant funding, our Center is the nation's leader in this field.  

Our faculty is dedicated to driving the field of MS rehabilitation and wellness research ahead. They provide leadership on national and international scientific advisory boards, wellness research workgroups, and scientific merit review panels. 

Our research is based on meaningful partnerships with the MS community that spans decades, with people affected by MS taking the lead in designing, conducting, and disseminating our research. This approach is central to our work, and it ensures that our research is relevant and beneficial to those it seeks to serve. 

Support MS Research

To make a lasting impact on MS health and wellness, support us here or contact Elizabeth Damore, UW Medicine Director for Philanthropy at to discuss the options.   

Our Faculty

Kevin Alschuler, PhD

Kevin Alschuler, PhD

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UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine  
325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359612  
Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.543.3600 

For Patients