Walter C. and Anita C. Stolov Research Fund 2025 applications open now

Applications are now open for the 2025 Walter C. and Anita C. Stolov Research Fund. This fund supports projects within the University of Washington Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. Applications are due Friday, March 7, by 5 PM PT. Please read on for more details: 


In honor of Dr. Stolov and his wife, the Walter C. and Anita C. Stolov Research Fund was established to support research training by funding projects within the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. A key goal of the fund is to support projects that will contribute to the success of a long-term research program and the research career of the application. Thus, the proposals should include a brief but clear statement regarding the applicant’s commitment to a research career, and how the project will contribute to their research program.

Stolov grants typically fund one-year studies, with the option of a no-cost extension for a maximum of one additional year (i.e., two years maximum). Examples of appropriate expenses include: 

  1. research supplies needed to complete a specific project, such as supplies or computer software; 
  2. subject payment or subject travel reimbursement; and 
  3. support for a research assistant to assist with data collection, entry, or analysis. 

Requests for funding for statistical analysis will, in general, not be supported unless the need is clearly justified.

Please note that funds must be used internally via a UW budget number/Worktag. They cannot be used to establish contracts or sub-contracts with non-UW entities. 

In addition, funds cannot be used to support travel to conferences. If working with a group outside of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, please submit a letter of support from that group.

Awardees are expected to: 

  1. submit a yearly report to the chair of the review committee, 
  2. present completed work in a short (10 minute) presentation at either one of the Department of Rehabilitation research meetings or during the Department’s Grand Rounds, and 
  3. present a poster on funded research at the annual Lehmann Day Symposium in May of each year where funds are used.


Post-professional graduate students, residents, fellows, and junior faculty (below the level of associate professor) of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine are eligible to apply for these funds. Each applicant must also identify a more senior investigator who will serve as a mentor for the project. New applicants to the Stolov Research Fund will receive priority over previously funded applicants.


Proposals are due on Friday March 7, 2025 by 5:00 PM PT. Awards will be announced approximately one month later.


A department faculty committee will review the proposals and recommend funding priorities to the chair of the department, who will make a final decision. The primary criteria for evaluation will be: 

  1. the scientific merit of the proposal, 
  2. the research training potential, and 
  3. evidence that the project will contribute to the development of the applicant’s research career (note: evidence that the data collected will be used as pilot data for a planned research grant proposal provides strong evidence for this). 

Additional criteria that will be considered include: 

  1. feasibility of the proposed research given the available resources (all other resources available to the project should be detailed in the budget) and 
  2. relevance to rehabilitation sciences. 

Applicants are advised to write their proposal at a level accessible to a generalist reviewer, who will not necessarily be an expert in the specific area of study. Consultants may also be enlisted to review the proposals should the committee deem this to be necessary.


Meritorious proposals will be considered for awards up to $2000, and proposals for smaller amounts are encouraged. Awarded budgets may be adjusted based on merit and availability of funds. Selected proposals involving human subjects or animals must provide evidence of the necessary institutional review board approvals before funds can be released.


Questions regarding the application procedure should be directed to the chair of the review committee: Chet Moritz, PhD, email:; phone: 206 221-2842.

Application Procedure 

Please submit your proposal via email to the Chair of the Walter C. and Anita C. Stolov Research Fund committee (Chet Moritz, PhD, email: Send a single PDF file containing all sections below, and title the file with your name (e.g. Moritz_Stolov grant_2023). Late applications will not be accepted.

The proposal should include the following. All page limits refer to single-sided, single-spaced, Arial font size 11, and ¾” margins.

  1. Cover letter (one page): Include the title of the project, the relationship between the applicant and any mentors, and signatures of the applicant and mentor.
  2. Description of the Research Plan (three pages):
    1. An introduction and rationale, including a statement regarding the applicant’s commitment to a research career, and information regarding how the study will contribute to the success of the applicant’s planned research program;
    2. Objectives (including specific hypotheses to be tested, if appropriate);
    3. Procedures, including a time schedule;
    4. Plan for analysis of results.
  3. Budget and Budget Justification (one page)
    Budget notes:
    • If you request money for equipment, please describe where the equipment will be stored/used after your study.
    • If you are planning to use this award to supplement another award, please describe the other funding (agency, amount and how this award relates to the project).
    • Funding for travel to conferences or other associated expenses for researcher food, airfare or lodging is not allowed, based on the fund requirements.
  4. Literature cited (one page)
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UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine  
325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359612  
Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.543.3600 

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