This National Speech-Language-Hearing Month, consider participating in research

May is National Speech-Language-Hearing Month. During this month, we focus on the experiences of individuals living with communication disabilities. Many individuals with speech, language and hearing disabilities experience social isolation, which can significantly impact their quality of life. Communication disabilities also affect family members and friends due to their loss of connection with their loved one who has the communication disability.

Researchers in the Department of Rehabilitation at the University of Washington are working with adults with communication disabilities and their loved ones to understand their experiences and how we can better equip speech-language pathologists and other healthcare providers to assist. We are inviting adults living with communication disabilities and their family and friends to participate in our project, which can be completed remotely from anywhere in the U.S. If you, your loved one or your patients experience communication changes due to any of the following diagnoses, please encourage them to join us. We have materials to share with clinics, support groups or other organizations:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Mild cognitive impairment
  • Early dementia
  • Concerns about changes in memory and thinking as you age
  • Head and neck cancer
  • Stroke
  • Laryngeal dystonia

Find out more or get connected here (this link does not commit you to a study but just allows us to send you information).

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UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine  
325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359612  
Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.543.3600 

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