Tracy Herring, PhD

Title: Assistant Professor
Division: Rehabilitation Psychology & Neuropsychology

Tracy Herring is a rehabilitation psychologist and an assistant professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. She works with people living with chronic medical conditions. Her work focuses on helping people adjust to their diagnosis, manage symptoms such as fatigue and chronic pain, and enhance overall quality of life. Her research interests include non-pharmacological management of symptoms and optimizing coping and adjustment.

Education and Training

  • University of Washington, Fellowship, 2021 
  • VA St. Louis Health Care System, Residency, 2018 
  • University of Missouri, Medical Education, 2017 
  • Knox College, Psychology, 2010

Recent Publications

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UW Department of Rehabilitation Medicine  
325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359612  
Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.543.3600 

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