Sarah Mondello, PhD

Title: Research Professor
Division: Research

Dr. Sarah Mondello is a research assistant professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Washington. Her work aims to identify strategies for treating spinal cord injury with a primary focus on spinal stimulation. She received her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Florida in 2012.

Education and Training

  • University of Florida, PhD, 2012 
  • McGill University, B.A, 2006

Research Interests

Dr. Mondello's research aims to identify effective therapeutics for spinal cord injury. Currently, her primary focus is utilizing optogenetic spinal stimulation as both a potential therapeutic and a method for better understanding the effects of specific cell-types, populations and pathways on recovery after spinal cord injury in rodent SCI models. She also investigates other potential treatments including, but not limited to, electrical stimulation and delivery of promising therapeutic agents.


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Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.543.3600 

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